- See more at: http://www.mybloggerwidgets.com/2013/10/add-facebook-comments-system-in-blogger.html#sthash.AgJVxAHG.dpuf
- See more at: http://www.mybloggerwidgets.com/2013/10/add-facebook-comments-system-in-blogger.html#sthash.AgJVxAHG.dpuf

There are some tips for Listening Preparation 

  1. Keep all your concentration on listening carefully for the half hour or so that the test lasts. Slip of concentration can make you lose the sequence of answers and panic sets in fast.
  2. The test has four sections. Sections 1 and 3 are dialogues and sections 2 and 4 are monologues. There are 40 questions to be answered and the test lasts for 30 minutes. Ten minutes will be given at the end of the test to jot down your answers on answer sheet.
  3. Pay particular attention to the dialogues sections (Sections 1 and 3).
  4. At the beginning of each section of the recording, time is provided to read the questions. Use this time to read the questions concerning to that section (the voice on the tape tells you how many questions to read). Time is also provided at the end of each section to check your answers. Use this time to read the questions for the next section.
  5. Read the questions carefully. If the query says mark the answer as A, B, C or D on the answer sheet, make sure you don't write the phrase that A, B, C or D correspond to. Just write A, B, C or D. If the question specifies that you must not use more than three words in your answer, writing 4 words will get you no marks for that question.
  6. The answers usually appear in the conversation in the same order as the questions.
  7. The speakers often correct themselves. They will say something in the beginning and then change the statement. For example, "we will go to Lahore" is said first and then "No, let's make it Karachi". The correct answer is the final statement i.e. Karachi and not Lahore. Be careful about like these tricks.
  8. If you miss an answer, don't panic. Keep listening for the next answer.
  9. Write your answer instantly on the question sheet instantly. Don't try to remember the answers to write on the answer sheet. The ten minutes provided at the end of the test are quite sufficient to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.


- See more at: http://www.mybloggerwidgets.com/2013/10/add-facebook-comments-system-in-blogger.html#sthash.AgJVxAHG.dpuf

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