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Do you feel like you aren't making any progress in English?
Do you feel like you are studying a lot of English but you’re not improving?
Do you feel like you will never be fluent in English?
Do you feel pressured to learn more English but don’t know where to start?
Do you feel like you know every grammar rule but when you actually have to speak English you have nothing to say?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the following questions…. KEEP READING!
Maybe you are struggling with learning English because you do not have a set purpose. Maybe you do not know ‘WHY’ you are studying English. You need to know WHY you are learning English before you answer ‘HOW’ you will learn it.
You need to know specifically ‘WHY’ you are learning English or you will never be successful.
But how can you do this? Well, you need to ask yourself the following question.
Question: Why I am learning English?

Some Possible Answers:
I need to learn English to go on a trip.
I need to learn English for work.
I need to learn English to get a better paying job.
I need to learn English for my business.
I need to learn English to pass the IELTS with a high score.
I need to learn English to take the TOEFL, so that I can get into a university in the United States.
I need to learn English to pass High School or University courses.
I need to learn English to better understand tourists or foreigners that I meet or work with.
I need to learn English because I immigrated to an English speaking country.
I need to learn English to speak to my friends, family or boyfriend.
I need to learn English so I can discuss research in my industry.
I need to learn English so I can understand the movies and TV that I watch.
Your Turn: I need to learn English ______________________.
After you have pinpointed your ‘WHY’; it will be easier to figure out ‘HOW’ to do it.
My ‘Why’: Learn English to speak to my cousins in the United States
How: Speaking and conversing about non-formal topics. Practice talking about favorite’s things, current events, music, etc.
Don’t: Study grammar rules.
My ‘Why’: Learning English to participate in an Economics Conference for my job.
How: Learn industry specific vocabulary that I will need. Read journals and research about topics in my industry. Watch speeches on TedEx about Economics or Business.
Don’t: Memorize lists of random vocabulary or practice talking about things that will not help you talk about industry specific topics in English.
My ‘Why’: I need to learn English, because I am going on a trip to Florida to visit Disney Land with my friends.
How: Study travel specific vocabulary. Practice talking about the airport, hotels, or even Disney specific vocabulary. Practice asking and answering questions. Watch Disney movies in English.
Don’t: Go to an English class, once a week and learn information in English that will not help me on my trip.
What’s your ‘WHY’ and ‘HOW’? Are you learning English the right way for your ‘WHY’?

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